Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Power of Limits

Limiting your wants is one of the most interesting events in one's life.

A next guaranteed meal of your choice is all you need to be happy.

All screaming, other than this is a

self hoax

I don't know we can't understand this simple fact. 

All you need is a next guaranteed meal,

that's it! that's it! that's it!

Demanding, Demeaning and Finally Depressing

Relationships more or less become demanding at the end of the day. You cannot do anything about it. It is the norm. The demanding rapport starts demeaning and finally lead to depression. The best thing is to ignore those moments of intimacy, which carry the seeds of sorrow as every moment of false joy lived is dying the very next.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Science of the Morals

Morals cannot fall in the category of emotions. Morals have a regulatory role. Morals lead life in its entirety. Life is a series of events. Any one event can lead to a gamut of events. Therefore, one needs to be careful when two events conflict. This is where things can go abruptly wrong without any message. This is something, which needs to be taken into consideration keenly. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Orientation, Attitude, and Perspective

Every moment is beating. Every moment is complete in itself. Every moment is defined. Defined by the Mother Nature. Life's moving with tip of a needle speed. We are weavers. Weavers of mysterious fabric called time. We look back. We look forward. We are revivalists. We are progressive. We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. Just this moment is happening. Influenced by thousands of years perhaps. It may influence years to come as well. This is something, which is interesting. Very interesting perhaps. Religion is one of the greatest hurdles in respecting this moment. This very moment. Religion is an opium for the masses. Yet you claim to be attain enlightenment. You claim to be not what you are but what you can be. Can be? Just see what you are. Is there peace and harmony in you? Just sit and find. Just sit first. Don't say anything. Anything!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Not real but

The reality pains. It is distorted by the mind. It is there but we are subjects of our own interpretations. Fear inhibits us to accept the reality. What is there will remain there for a while. Can't do anything with it! Once again, there was a voice of that previous longing. I heard it again. This is despite the fact that I decided not to get it heard this time. What I gathered? Nothing other than restlessness for a while. In fact, there is nothing out there. It is inside us. The fear is inside us. It is not there outside. This time, I could see my fear and that is interesting. It is interesting to interact with oneself.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

At the end of it!

Gone are the days
when there was love
between us

Gone are the days
when you took my hand gently

Gone are the days when
you took my feelings seriously

Gone are the days when 'we' were 'we'

Today, there's a devil inside me
and there's devil inside you

As your mind does not tremble
my hands are free to mistreat you

The love has died
and would never revive.
Now let us become strangers.
Let us realize this truth and become aware of ourselves
at least before we die.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A bad dream

A bad dream is an indicator of lack of assurance somewhere. I gave him. It was my duty to do so. Something changed abruptly without his readiness perhaps. No, I will make him ready than harping on that nightmare. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beyond the veil of words!

Beyond , the veil of words, lies the truth. Bit by bit, day by day, moment to moment we argue, to make the other realize our truth, only with the help of words. For the other it remains a lie. A pure lie! Truth remains outside, there in the corner, laughing on these two fighting lies.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Aggression and Politeness. One coin two sides.

Go for the shell as  you don't have one outside. And there comes the aggression blasting you to the end. Come out of the radius and you get politeness, the other side of the coin. Both are same as the source is same. Distance entrails understanding. Objectivity lies there. Only you need to be there. Contentment is possible when you accept things as they are at least for a while. Change is possible only after thorough understanding of the situation. So, wait for a while and stay tuned to the inside 'you'.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Beat the pop ups!

I beat them. They pop up! I again beat them. They again pop up! I will keep them beating till they don't pop up. They are listening. They are not interested in me now. I beat them finally. 

I want to be...What?

Change is the norm since inception. Safety was the purpose. The only purpose. But man lives by habits. So, here we are with over protection. Hoarding, security, more and more is needed to guard. We are not satisfied. Satisfaction lies in encroaching. It lies in lies now. Now, in fact, the question has tacitly been molded into 'what do you want to become'? Perfection has been inflicted upon us. The elusive goal is creeping into us. Every moment! We want more than more. Those who stand for a while become writers, custodians, artistes, famous personalities and get what they want. But then they start wanting more than more. The dialectical dilemma is being unfolded till we perish perhaps. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Beware of smiling frauds

Reality resides in compulsions, particularly in what hasn't or cannot be said than what is narrated. Language, in most of the cases is a veil of deception. To understand the other, therefore, listen not to what he says but give an ear to the silence he bears. Revelation is always sought than served. Beware of smiling frauds therefore. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chosen Response

Responses, most of the times, are not what you mean but are what others want you to mean. Since you care,  your fear perhaps, you response in accordance with their perennial psychological needs, entangled with your innermost desires. We exist in complete isolation, as man is all alone in birth and death, but painfully find our existence in tandem. This contradiction is supreme as it gives birth to all art and literature in almost all the cases. Celebration is catharsis and asserting one's right to live therefore. Freedom then is a figment of imagination, existing in the name of religion. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Agitation tank of impressions inside me...

Birth of a photo, in the previous times, in black and white era to be precise, wanted an agitation tank where we put a negative in D 63, its developer, to make it appear in grey shades. Agitation took place inside me  today. Happy to make an impression clearer. No, I won't be compelling you to fall in line with my thinking. But you have to follow me as a part of resolution.

Good days ahead !!! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A deceptive veil...

Emotions deceive more than anything else. A veil is created with amazing colours. A fascinating lie hangs in front of your eyes. It furls and unfurls repeatedly. Wherever you take your eyes, it goes with you. Behind it, lies the people, the holders of it. They don't want you to see them. They don't want to see you either. But they occasionally call you. They want to sing with you. They don't want to dance but. Because there is fear of losing the veil. But they call you often. And they will keep on doing it forever. Let them enjoy. And you also enjoy their deception. 

Questioning the Response !

Why response every time? Why live by habits? Why tell others what you think? Why convince them? Why to want their love? What for? For whom?  Why reaching them? Man is alone. Man is unique. So why this love and hate? Why this flip flop? 90% of the murders are committed by near and dear ones. Chop it off! Chop the fear! As soon as possible! 

Don't mind the stroll, it was worth millions, but come back...

Wanna peep into an alien culture! Do it. May be vultures are of your kind. But what if they are not. It will be a problem. A major problem. Well come back, just come back. This is why I say come back. No, you don't need anyone. Let there be space between you and them. Let the wind blow between you and them. You need to breath. You need to live. Objective analysis cannot take place until you drag yourself out of their radius. Laugh if they do it on you. Smile if they do it on you. Never let your 'You' robbed of yourself. Culture is all about this. Nothing more than that. Nothing less than that even. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Popularity, Success, Fame is Research

Listen to anyone who is popular, famous, and powerful. Go to any world. Be it music, medicine, politics, war, art, literature. Realize the depth of research through a man who gave his or her life's major part. He or she must be a man or woman of immense research.

P.S. - Man is unique. He is all alone. Nobody resembles anybody. He is vulnerable in one sense and rich in the other. Therefore he is condemned to create. His happiness and stability lies in creating something, which he can all his own. Now it is up to you to share bed with the opposite sex and have kids in the name of creation. Or otherwise a piece of art, which the world terms it a masterpiece. Exercise choice before creation expires.  

In perspective to the 'Eternal Letter'

Wishing you an eternal bond! So, I want you but not more than a figment of imagination. You are are there in my life with a purpose. You know I firmly believe in sacredness. Alas! I could not find it anywhere. Even if you are an existing entity, I will pray to you. I pray to God as well. I will try to make something out of nothing. I will make you my ideal. And I wish to crystallize  this sacredness in you. Don't touch me. Don't meet me. Better not talk to me even. I have shunned you approaching me and will continue to do so. I fear you. I fear God as well. You don't have any right on me. Because I have an eternal right on you. Amen!

Happy Anniversary !!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Resolving...!!! from 21st to 30th 2012...!!!

Sit there! No socialization! Nothing of this sort would help! Skip everything. Behave like a camera. What's in the focus. Is this what you want? No, then change the focus. What's there? You want this! Ok, click it. Is it over? No, now you need to preserve the snap. Now focus on the time frame. Ultimately, you need to focus on something worth it. Otherwise it's finished.


For next ten days, no hide and seek. Not at all! See what happens then! Don't look there simply! There's nothing in it. Elusiveness's is the norm since more than a decade. Ten years vs Ten Days.    

They are there! They may be there all your life! So? From where did they come? Remember, they were there at one point of time and vanished as well. Why? They did not tell you ever. They won't tell you ever. Just forget them. Medication  is the only way out but without your forgetting, it is nothing. Look at your mood, that's it! Just look at your mood! Only your mood! So, all you need to do is look at your mood. That't it! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

on 20 Sep, 2012...

In the middle of the night, wanna say 'I love you' to your wife !!! Wake her up ! You dumbo ! Just say it NOW! No, she won't mind her sleep. And if she does, it's time for you to wake up!


Heart isn't more than the naked truth. You say it without a blink. You do it without a thought. But you economize with it to make it presentable. Yet people like it, admire it, and respect it. They know that if you don't do that, you won't be able to survive. So, say it, do it as if you are not aware of it. Apologize for the dose of over cleverness...


Keeping an eye is to know further. Watch it while not being watched. For what? A toy is broken. You cannot play with it now. You cannot fix it. Accept it.


All I have to do is just click it. I will be taken back silently. I will  then compose something out of it.  You cannot love and mash the clay at the same time. Creation of beauty demands some amount of ugliness then! Distance is the key. Create it consciously to understand it its true form. As love, truth also demands distance to realize.


The story of finance is getting interested. They say that signatures aren't matching. I am happy as I am changing so rapidly. Growth ! Isn't it? But then security lies in continuity. It lies in barking the same way every time.


You were slapped then cried. Was it spontaneous? You learnt the language with the help of alphabets or did it come on its own? You took bath and dressed well. Didn't you put efforts to look beautiful then? Now grab it! Go for it! Think the ways. It will not come spontaneously. Happiness isn't a blessing. Serious efforts to done. However, not at any cost.  


on 20 September 2012...

Don't try to read this! It's futile. It's very personal to me yet I am daring to put it on a social website. In fact, you will not be able to make out anything out of it. However, I believe that if there's anyone just like me, which is next to impossible, he or she will unearth the meaning of it, though to some extent. In fact, this correspondence is not more than a diary that's incomprehensible. It's only me who can re-create the ME out of it. Let me begin NOW !!! Wow !!!

Who's She ? Nothing more than a corpse of relation !!! 
  • Interference is when you let others to do so. Don't make anyone gain enough control over you. This control is subtly created in the name of love. So, trust is finally going to be eroded. Remember every relation demands something or the other. The moment demand goes unfulfilled, the relation gets finished. Ah ha ! but not you !!! Finish any relation that's becoming a burden. Finish it soon. No need to linger on. Finish it abruptly. Just make sure that here's the point to do so, That's it. Just chop it off. Nothing's going to be there for you, you see. For this you need courage. And courage comes with accepting the reality. If it's your defeat, welcome it. Just move ahead. May be there are others waiting for you. They need you. They accept you. May be you need them. You accept them. Set the aperture, click all of them, but make sure that some people remain out of focus.
The Great Son and his School

  • He gets meals, happiness, and the air, which is conditioned all the time. So, here we pledge to make these things available to him, all the time. He is not my future, yet he must have it. Of his own! Very own! It's my duty to make it happen. He must put his feet on that step of the ladder where we were. That's it. He must continue our legacy only if he belongs to it. No compulsions are weaved for him. No directions are dictated. He must know 'himself'. That's it! Rest is Nature. 

Why do people shout Mother Mother Mother !!! 
  •  Birth happens out of pleasure. It's only those bed sharing moments, where man and woman seek pleasure. Cuddling together, kissing, touching, moving hands from head to toe, smooching, licking, entangling their tongues makes it possible to receive a cutie. And it's Nature you see! There's no mother other than Nature. So, why there's so much idealization of mother. Feeding you see! She offers her breast to the child. But that's also Mother Nature you see! I salute you Mother Nature. You are more than a mere mother. Thanks for that!